
Top 100 Best Whatsapp Status Messages Updates

Check out a status list for use in Whatsapp. Many people like to use the application status of space to leave a beautiful Status or say how they are feeling. It is a very personal choice and it depends on each one. Many people like to change the Best Whatsapp Status all the time, so we think will well take inspiration from interesting and legal Quotes. This check status of phrases you find funny messages, romantic, creative of other types. Here is the Best Whatsapp Status Message, a selection with the best and most original messages and quotes for popular app. They are divided into categories, as you can see below.

100 Best Whatsapp Status Messages

Fall in love with the person that makes you a better person.
A small word of affection, can fill a heart with happiness. 
Love is not repeated many times "I love you" but prove to be true. 
To love and to you, I knew you at the same time. 


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